Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brand New...

It's a new year and I've been a huge slacker. Well, sort of, I guess. I joined Team in Training for a second season, this time to run the full marathon. I think. ;) I started taking the final class I need in order to start taking the CPA exams. I'm working some overtime, trying to catch up on all the piles of work on my desk, preparing for the auditors, working on the financial statements. So although I've been a slacker in terms of laundry and blog posting, I've still been busy. That's my excuse, anyway!

So here's a quick recap...

Team in Training started last weekend and I currently have 9 great runners to mentor. Our first track practice is tomorrow, and I am SO excited! I love track! I'm really looking forward to getting to know my mentees and am slowly working up the courage to commit to the San Diego RockNRoll FULL marathon. I'm having a hard time getting past the idea that it's 26.2 miles, but whatev!

Second, I'm taking an online course at Foothill College. So far, so good. It's Excel for Accounting. Pretty relevant to what I do on a daily basis and so I've been able to coast so far. The great thing is that there are no tests, just homework due on a weekly basis.

Third, work has been super busy. This makes me happy, but I have a lot to get done before next week and tomorrow is Thursday. GAH!

Also, during this time period, I started riding my old mountain bike to the train and to work because it's faster and easier. Plus, since I'm the first stop on both sides, I always am able to get on the train. When I took the train out of Sunnyvale there were always bikes that were turned away and that's why I got the Xootr. Well, a couple of weeks ago I hit a car that pulled out in front of me. It was drizzly and he didn't turn to look my way before he turned. Suffice to say that my front tire was bent and my hip and shoulder were less than perfect. And get this, the guy who pulled out in front of me was a personal injury lawyer! I went to my chiro and he started working to heal me. After 3 treatments I was almost as good as new and finally had clearance to run. After some haggling, the lawyer agreed to pay for my chiro and pay for the repairs to my bike. I took my bike to my local shop and George, the owner, wrote up an estimate. It came to like $90. But George says...."You're not really going to pay to fix this bike up, are you?" My old bike was a steel Mongoose that weighed about 40 lbs. I had to bend my knees to pick it up on my shoulder in order to get it on the train. LOL! We talked about bikes for a bit and he showed me some Bianchi hybrids that he had.

Isn't it beautiful? It took about a week and a half to get everything picked out, test ridden and purchased. In the meantime I started riding Aaron's Cannondale to work. It was a little scary, being a big fancy mountain bike and all, but boy, was it light. I could curl my bicep to lift it! Me being the do-do that I am, I locked it up in front of my building in SF, just like I locked up my Mongoose. Well, day 3 and it was stolen. Dirty rotten bastards. It still pisses me off. I guess they didn't care for the Mongoose but a Cannondale was a different story. Turns out that it was the second bike stolen that week. Um, hello, Mr. Security Guard, couldn't you have given me a head's up earlier??? So, my pretty new bike will be going up the service elevator with me everyday and coming into the office. And even then I'll probably still lock it. :)

So I think that's about it. That should catch me up through the beginning of February. And I promise that I'll update more often in the future. I've got TNT happening and so I might just use this for my training journal.

Happy New Year!


Boiling Point Productions said...

It's beautiful! I love the color! Congrats!

Amber/Mama Bear said...

Hooray for updates! I was feeling out of the loop on your life --I feel better now! ;)