Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A long week

It's Wednesday night at 9:30 pm and this is what I'm surrounded by - my puppy, my mother-in-law and my husband are all sound asleep. I guess that's what a dinner of Wing's Chinese food will do to us! The dog didn't get any Wing's but did have a full bowl of adult dog food. I guess you could say we're all fat and happy. I think it's almost time for me to shower and get in bed as well, but as long as I'm here I might as well give an update!

Saturday we had a great run in Capitola. I ran just under 12 miles due to a short-marked course. I felt pretty good for the first half but I was definitely lagging during the second half. I managed to pick up the pace a little but I kept thinking I wanted to stop and rest. Over all I averaged 9 minute 17 second miles. Not too bad for 12 miles and me being a sprinter and all!

This week we had Cause for Celebration at Foothill College. One of the scientists who has received funding from LLS spoke. Wow. It's amazing to hear about the research that is being done and he was every bit the excited scientist. I'm thankful that there are people out there who are able to do this research and who will hopefully find a cure for cancer one day soon.

I'm not a believer in super-long life. I really want my life to be full and if that means that I only live to 50 or 60, so be it. I've had some conversations recently about how this or that is bad for people and we should cut back on meat, or sugar, or cheese, or wine, whatever. Yes, I believe that it's better to have everything in moderation. But if I want to enjoy a nice juicy steak or a sugar filled marshmallow, so be it! I work my butt off (well, not literally!) and my heart is healthy. But I love rare meat. I love sushi. I love...SUGAR! And I'm okay with that. I'll never be 130 lbs. again (hm, maybe someday, but that's a different blog post...) and that's okay. I'm happy with who I am and what I eat. Mini Raviolis from Chef Boyardee are okay once in a while. So is my beloved bacon. I don't eat them every day. I eat a lot of veggies, some yogurt, some lean proteins. My belly is happy and so am I.

ANYWAY, we had a mini-workout on Monday after the speeches. And last night I led 5 other runners for a buddy run where we stopped about 1/2 way through to do some core work. It was awesome. I hope they want to continue with that because I definitely felt it today! I'm leading another buddy run tomorrow night and then Saturday we're running at Almaden Quicksilver. I'm excited for some hills. It'll be great!

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