Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Okay, I've been meaning to post for 2 weeks now, ever since the 1/2 marathon. But here's the thing. I'm lazy. I have some photos that I want to upload, from both Nike and from my weekend at Desi's but I just don't FEEL like it. =( So here I am, complaining about it!

One great thing of note...I just saw that one of my very dear friends from about 10 years ago is on facebook. That site, although time-sucking, is very useful for connecting to people. Simply enter in their name and tada! there you have their page! How cool is that?

Okay, I promise that I will have photos and commentary on 1. The Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon and B. Going to Napa to visit Des and Chaz in Napa by this weekend. Which reminds me...I need to make a hair appointment...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I love candy

So here's my problem. I have always wanted to lose weight. Hence, the size six. I'm a 8/10 right now and although I KNOW that pounds/size aren't the most important indicator of my physical being, they still matter. Stupid food. Therein lies my problem. I love food. I love candy. I love broccoli. I love, love, love brussels sprouts. And steak. Oh heavenly filet mignon. And potatoes, delish! I could go on and on for days about food. It's what I think about a lot of the time. And wine, oh yum! Even a good bourbon, oh tastyness on my tongue! So even though I've been training for this marathon since August I have yet to lose any weight. I've been running 20+ miles a week and I still can't lose any weight! ARGH! Maybe I need to get a taste bud transplant. Or maybe I should start smoking, kill off some of those taste buds. I don't know what to do.

When my good friend Becquel got married I was able to lose 15 lbs. I ate chicken cooked on a George Foreman grill and salad practically every night for 2 months. And I looked fabulous in the sausage dress.

See! But let me tell you this. I do not want to eat stupid chicken every night for the rest of my life. I know what I need. I have to learn to control my portion sizes. But I usually don't even finish everything on my plate. And I eat a fraction of what Aaron eats. That's why I'm frustrated.

Excuse me while I go finish my glass of wine. It's delish!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I'm going to repeat part of what I wrote in my training blog for TNT - because it says what I want to say....

I know, I know, it's been a while. I had a real tough time for the past couple of weeks, but I'm over the hump. I know I can do it and I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to finish in 2 hours. Now, if I don't make that time, I'm in for a lot of ribbing, I know. One of my friends even told me that he wanted his donation back if I didn't beat his time of 2:08. Most of you who read this probably know me pretty well. I'm pretty competitive. Okay, REALLY competitive. I know it and most of the time I'm okay with it, except when it gets me in trouble. However, assuming that my race in 2 weeks mirrors my run on Saturday, I am set. We ran 12.5 miles. I finished it in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Before this weekend, I had never run farther than just over 8 miles. And our run had several more hills than I'll have to run in our race, although we didn't run the course in its entirety. AND, I caught up to the guys that were marking the course, so I had to slow down and wait for them to finish the course in order to finish! Although I was sore after the run, I was fine. Well, I could have eaten one of the bison that we saw in Golden Gate Park, but I was mostly fine. I took off my shoes and waded into the bay so I could "ice" my legs. It was heavenly.

Now I'm into the "tapering" portion of my training. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I haven't run since Saturday. No yoga even. My foot has been killing me. I went to the Chiro yesterday and although they beat me up pretty good, my foot still hurts. And get feels best in high heels. Weird. I have been a bad girl though and I haven't used the dreaded foam roller (that reminds me of the Princess Bride!) since Saturday night. Tonight, for sure. I might try running too. Stupid feet.

On a different note, Aaron had 2 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Poor guy. He looks like a lopsided chipmunk because one side is more swollen than the other. I'd post a photo but he'd probably be unhappy about that.