Well, here I go. I'm sure Amber will be pleased that I'm finally posting photos! Here are Aaron, me, Des and Chaz out at the Little Red Hen in Napa. I thought originally that it was an antique shop but apparently it's a bar! We had a ton of fun up at their place. We brought Max up and he got to meet Trigger, Desiree's wild mustang. They were so cute together.
I do have a handsome puppy. He would keep running up to Trigger and cock his head and you could tell he was wondering what the heck Trigger was. I think he finally decided he was a really big dog because Max would do downward dog, bounce, bark a couple of times and then run back and forth trying to get Trig to play. Trigger was very calm, watched Max and kept eating.
We did have a lot of fun up in Napa. We went out to dinner Friday night and had a couple of drinks and did a little dancing. Then to Taco Bell and bed. Saturday morning we got up, had some coffee and poor Aaron went back down to SJ to go to work. =( Meanwhile, Chaz, Desiree and I met one of Chaz's friends at a little diner for some breakfast. But one of the best parts was meeting all of Desi's friends at a barbeque later that day at their house. I'm really excited for the wedding this weekend. My first time performing marriage rites! Holy heck...now that I start thinking about it, I'm getting a little nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine. I did get an A in public speaking! LOL!
Their ceremony should be beautiful. The vows they have chosen are very sweet and I'm looking forward to being a part of this big event. I so very much wish I could have been part of Desiree's life for the past 15 years. I feel like I've missed a lot of her life so far. I guess I should just look forward to the future that we will have together instead of this time that we've missed.