Thursday, November 6, 2008

Des and Chaz are getting married!

Well, here I go. I'm sure Amber will be pleased that I'm finally posting photos! Here are Aaron, me, Des and Chaz out at the Little Red Hen in Napa. I thought originally that it was an antique shop but apparently it's a bar! We had a ton of fun up at their place. We brought Max up and he got to meet Trigger, Desiree's wild mustang. They were so cute together.

I do have a handsome puppy. He would keep running up to Trigger and cock his head and you could tell he was wondering what the heck Trigger was. I think he finally decided he was a really big dog because Max would do downward dog, bounce, bark a couple of times and then run back and forth trying to get Trig to play. Trigger was very calm, watched Max and kept eating.

We did have a lot of fun up in Napa. We went out to dinner Friday night and had a couple of drinks and did a little dancing. Then to Taco Bell and bed. Saturday morning we got up, had some coffee and poor Aaron went back down to SJ to go to work. =( Meanwhile, Chaz, Desiree and I met one of Chaz's friends at a little diner for some breakfast. But one of the best parts was meeting all of Desi's friends at a barbeque later that day at their house. I'm really excited for the wedding this weekend. My first time performing marriage rites! Holy that I start thinking about it, I'm getting a little nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine. I did get an A in public speaking! LOL!

Their ceremony should be beautiful. The vows they have chosen are very sweet and I'm looking forward to being a part of this big event. I so very much wish I could have been part of Desiree's life for the past 15 years. I feel like I've missed a lot of her life so far. I guess I should just look forward to the future that we will have together instead of this time that we've missed.

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Amber/Mama Bear said...

Ahhh....!! Just think after Des's wedding you'll be all geared up for ours! =) You'll be a 'pro'! That's pretty funny you thought Red Hen was just the antique never went there?..even when you were younger to eat? The new location still throws me off...I liked the old one. Margaritas on the patio in the summer --the best. It's crazy how much time passes --you spend so much time w/ someone and then nothing --now we're all adults but somehow the same but different! I love life --all of us w/ our own little stories. Maybe someday we'll live closer! Hey the house next door is for sale...! ;)

Emily Parsonsmith said...

ummhhhh. You perform weddings? My friend? Interesting. Whatcha up to september 5th 2009, say in Northern Vermont? We need someone to marry us but it has to be the right person, ya know? It is kind of a tough decision. What are your thoughts? Be good!
ps. my goal for the wedding is to have buff arms! fun!

SIZE SIX said...

amber - Ready, set, go! It was no prob, ready to do it again! It's funny how when it rains, it pours...
Em - not sure if I can make it to Vermont in Sept...Amber is planning on getting married at around the same time and I might be "working" in Yosemite! As for the buff arms, girl, you ALREADY have it going on.