Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tina rocks!

I just had to post this about my friend Tina. She plays rugby for the Berkeley All Blues and she is a rock star. She's #4 in the photo, scoring a try in the semi-finals for the US Club Championships being played this weekend in Florida. They beat the MN Valkyries 40-5 on Friday and are playing in the Championship game right now. It's still the first half but they're beating NY 17-0! Go Blues! And I hope Tins scores another try. She's definitely a rock star!
Edit: 11/10/08
I just read the story online and Tina got sin binned. Can't wait to hear it first hand. Congrats to the Berkeley All Blues on a national championship!!

1 comment:

Giyen said...

whhaaa?? a blog! yeah!